Business of Law

How Submission Researchers Work: A behind the scenes look

Thursday, June 23, 2022
11:00 am
London (GMT)
Virtual call
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Event Details

We will be speaking with Marco Guasti about what it is like to be a legal directory researcher and how the research process actually works behind the scenes. As a former researcher, he’ll help demystify the research process and give us his best tips for making the most of submissions.

Marco is a lawyer, legal directories consultant, and founder of Harpa. He is an expert in bridging the gap between the legal world and marketing. He specializes in making complex legal work accessible to non-lawyers and legal directory researchers, bringing each law firm’s voice and personality into their communications.

Event Host



How Submission Researchers Work: A behind the scenes lookHow Submission Researchers Work: A behind the scenes lookHow Submission Researchers Work: A behind the scenes lookHow Submission Researchers Work: A behind the scenes look