Business Development

Should proposal creation be a decentralized process?

Tuesday, March 22, 2022
3:00 pm
London (GMT)
Virtual Zoom Call
This session has passed and will be added to our Resource Center soon.

Event Details

The demand for pitches and proposals is on a high and rising, leaving leading law firms’ marketing teams battling with turning responses around. Content expectations are also becoming more complex, where surface level yes or no answers can no longer get firms through the door.

Could the involvement of people beyond the marketing team be the key to overcoming these challenges?

According to our 2022 Pitch Management Report, 45% of respondent UK Top 100 firms train their lawyers in proposal creation. Our panel explores the reasons behind the divide and how to decide whether increasing firm-wide involvement in pitch production is right for your firm. We look at whether the decision should come down to the current structure and culture or long-term innovation plans, what the barriers of fee earner involvement are and how to overcome them, whether giving control away really means less control and more.

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Pinnacle helps law firms get the most from their critical business applications and their data.



Should proposal creation be a decentralized process?Should proposal creation be a decentralized process?Should proposal creation be a decentralized process?Should proposal creation be a decentralized process?