October 6, 2021

Branding Refresh: Tips & Lessons Learned

We spoke with Zac Robinson about how he helped his law firm successfully implement a complete brand refresh. We discussed the lessons he learned during each stage of the rollout, unforeseen challenges, and the small things you may forget if you’re about to take this on at your firm.

Zac is the Marketing and Business Development Manager at Tilleke & Gibbins, a Southeast Asia-based law firm. He focuses on business strategy and sustainable law firm growth in emerging and frontier markets—currently, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Interview Covers

  • Why now? Triggers for a branding refresh
  • Working team arrangement & communication
  • Approving design ideas
  • Updating other parts of the brand identity
  • Tips for those just starting
  • Rollout campaign (during a pandemic)
  • Advice for BD teams

Roundtable Session Covers

  • Client experiences with the refresh
  • Using staff in photos
  • Brand guidelines & training
  • Tips for finding website designers
  • Creating an RFP
  • Project management systems
  • Managing dissenting partners
  • Items dropped in the refresh