June 18, 2020
Client Services

Client or Customer? Using data to build long term client relationships

We spoke with Steve Tyndall to discuss how law firms use digital client data to support business development efforts and enhance client relationships.

Steve has previously led the IT function for national law firms Lander & Rogers and McCullough Robertson in Australia. Ahead of founding Client Sense, Steve was the Managing Director of NextLegal, a legal technology consulting firm, providing legal technology strategy and advice to law firms.

Steve has a strong IT background, but believes strongly that technology itself is of little value if it is not solving real problems or creating real opportunities.

Discussion content:

  • Reasons CRM systems fail in law firms
  • Can data really tell the whole story?
  • The key metric to measure and focus on
  • How the BD teams can support lawyers to follow up with clients
  • Frequency of communication
  • Advice for people analyzing client relationships  

Roundtable discussion

  • Tips on selecting software from vendors
  • Getting around integration issues
  • What else BD teams can measure to review client relationships
  • The importance of a data analyst in the BD team
  • How to break the client/BD barrier