November 24, 2020

Content Creation & Repurposing: Top tips and strategies for law firms

We spoke with Joe Escobedo to get his top tips and strategies for law firm content creation and repurposing. In this session, we explored alternative content ideas and how BD teams can recycle existing content for different marketing channels.

Joe Escobedo is the author of “Asian Growth Stories“. He has advised and trained over 12,000 executives from around the world, from countless Fortune 1000 brands, on building brands and growing revenue through digital. He has been a contributor for Forbes, Inc, HuffPost and other top-tier media. His articles have garnered over 1 million views.

Interview Covers

  • Framing focus and messaging
  • Example landing page redesign (before/after) View the website live at:
  • Ways to repurpose written content
  • Thoughts on podcasts
  • Evergreen content value and creation
  • Polling your audience for content preferences
  • Versatility of video content
  • Software mention - Lumen5

Roundtable Session Covers

  • Creating content without lawyer involvement
  • Software mention - Otter
  • Storytelling - Pixar's rules for storytelling
  • Example of great storytelling - LegalEagle
  • Content for better recruitment
  • Overcoming risk-averse lawyers
  • How to get started with video content

Software mentioned