July 3, 2020

Digital Marketing Strategies for Law Firms

We spoke with Paul Evans about how law firms can better differentiate themselves with a digital marketing strategy. We covered what law firms need to erase from their marketing content, how to repurpose content for more SEO benefits, and why LinkedIn company pages are just "not that valuable."

Discussion Content

·      What are some clichés we shouldavoid on social media?

·      What are factors that candifferentiate law firms?

·      Defending marketing plans to lawyers

·      LinkedIn company pages versuspersonal pages

·      Dealing with the short life-span ofsocial media posts

·      Strategies for repurposing content

Q&A Session

·      Marketing strategies for differenttypes of law firms

·      Free technology solutions we can use

·      How to track engagement from socialmedia to your website

·      What type of content does well onsocial media?

·      What is a law firm website that doesa good job in SEO?