December 12, 2021

Sharing content the right way

We spoke with Will Eke from Passle about the importance of content sharing the right way in professional services, what good content sharing looks like, and what we consider to be ‘thought leadership’.

Will is an SVP on the commercial team at Passle and joined the company in 2018.  He is responsible for showcasing and successfully implementing the Passle tool into a number of top 200 law firms globally.  Prior to his current role, Will has held commercial roles in technology companies covering a wide range of sectors including automotive, FMCG, Technology and retail. 

For those who don’t know, Passle is an expert-to-expert marketing platform. Passle makes it incredibly easy for busy experts to publish useful, client relevant insights that can be shared to multiple channels all within minutes.  Given Will’s experience talking to a wide variety of clients in the professional services sector, and having seen many good (and bad) examples of content sharing, we are excited to host this session with Will.

Interview Covers

  • Balancing authenticity and professionalism
  • Convincing lawyers to share more authentic content
  • What content should we be sharing?
  • Thoughts on ghost blogging
  • Examples of bad content sharing
  • Award & Rankings announcements
  • Persuading junior lawyers to write content
  • What is thought leadership really?

Roundtable Session Covers

  • Role of BD in content drafting
  • Examples of impactful content
  • Using content management systems
  • Repurposing old content
  • Tips to get partners to write and share more content