April 19, 2022
Technology & Systems

Busting Legal Tech Myths

We busted some legal tech myths with Hussain Hadi in this session, including interesting polls and a thought-provoking roundtable discussion.

Hussain Hadi, Head of Middle East Publishing &Technology LexisNexis will shed light on the (latest) legal tech developments, what legal tech is and what it isn't and which of these innovative tech solutions are considered to be useful for clients and/or for internal use.

Interview Covers

  • What is legal tech?
  • Will AI ever replace lawyers?
  • What is the most valued legal tech now
  • Legal tech usage stats
  • Main challenges for in-house lawyers
  • Clients wanting tech savy lawyers
  • Legal tech peer pressure
  • A messages for lawyers
  • How can BD teams use legal tech
  • Legal tech of the future
  • BD professionals using data

Roundtable Session Covers

  • What skills should a BD manager focus on?
  • What questions should we ask candidates?
  • Discussing solutions with vendors
  • How much are firms spending on legal tech?
  • Key factors for success