March 21, 2022
Technology & Systems

Improving Website Speed: Easy Tips & Tools for law firms

We spoke with Ethan Brooke about some easy tips and tools you can use to improve your law firm's website speed. This discussion is for beginners and covers topics like choosing the right hosting, how to check site speed, and things you can do to speed up pages.

Ethan is a writer, web designer, and professional photographer. He is also a co-founder of Valeo Legal Marketing and the founder of SeoulInspired, a Korean travel blog and Breathesafeair, an air quality and pollution education blog.

Interview Covers

  • Google Core Web Vitals
  • Key factors affecting site speed
  • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)
  • Hosting Preferences
  • Tools for measuring website speed

Roundtable Session Covers

  • Using sites like Wix, Squarespace, Webflow, etc.
  • Image compression tools
  • How to avoid videos slowing down page seed
  • Understanding page speed results terminology
  • Wordpress plugin issues